Dataset of wild animal distribution investigation in Three River Source National Park (2017)

Dataset of wild animal distribution investigation in Three River Source National Park (2017)

The data set was obtained from the background survey of wildlife diversity in Three River Source National Park by Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The time range of the data set is 2017, and the survey area is Three River Source National Park. The survey species include a variety of rare wildlife such as Equus kiang, Canis lupus, Vulpes vulpes, Cervus elaphus, Accipiter nisus, Phoenicurus erythrogastrus, Prionailurus bengalensis, Buteo hemilasius, Procapra picticaudata, Tetraogallus tibetanus, Perdix hodgsoniae, Falco cherrug, etc.

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  • File size: 0.73 MB
  • Browse count:12598次
  • Time range:2017-01-17 至 2018-01-16
  • Access: offline

Resource Provider: ZHANG Tongzuo  
