Dataset of GF-1 satellite images (2017-2018)

Dataset of GF-1 satellite images (2017-2018)

This data set is the remote sensing data of gaofan-1 satellite, including the data of two scenes of PMS1 camera on 2017-8-13 and 2017-10-5, one scene of PMS2 camera on 2017-5-27, and one scene of WFV2 and WFV3 camera on September 23, 2018.File list: GF1_PMS1_E99.1_N37.2_20170813_L1A0002539236 GF1_PMS1_E101.2_N36.4_20171005_L1A0002653985 GF1_PMS2_E100.3_N37.7_20170527_L1A0002384098 GF1_WFV2_E98.4_N37.6_20180927_L1A0003481737 GF1_WFV3_E100.4_N37.3_20180927_L1A0003481706

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Folder naming rule: satellite name _ sensor name _ center longitude _ center latitude _ acquisition time _L1**** Data reading: raster tiff format, can be opened and read by Envi, Arcgis and other remote sensing software

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  • File size: 4802.56 MB
  • Browse count:10509次
  • Time range:2017-01-21 至 2019-01-20
  • Access: offline

Resource Provider: ZHOU Shengming  
