Dataset of ZY-3 satellite images (2017)

Dataset of ZY-3 satellite images (2017)

The major deserts in China include the Taklamakan Desert, Gurban Tunggut Desert, Qaidam Desert, Kumtag Desert, Badain Jaran Desert, Tengger Desert, Ulan Buh Desert, Hobq Desert, MU US Desert, Hunshandake Desert, Hulunbuir Sands, and Horqin Sands. All the desert boundaries were derived from Google Earth Pro® via manual interpretation. We delineated the desert boundaries using the Digital Global Feature Imagery and SpotImage (2011, 10 m resolution) collections of Google Earth Pro®, whose spatial resolution is finer than 30 m. The acquisition time of most images was in 2011.

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For example, TakD_elaborate_boundary_v1.shp, inhere TakD is the abbreviation of Taklamakan Desert, elaborate_boundary represents to elaborate boundary with spatial accuracy better than 30m, v1 is version number, corresponding to 2013. In the same way, GTD is the Gurban Tunggut Desert, QaiD is Qaidam Desert, KumD is Kumtag Desert, BJD is Badain Jaran Desert, TenD is Tengger Desert, UBD is Ulan Buh Desert, HobD is Hobq Desert, MUS is Mu Us Sands, HulS is Hunlunbuir Sands, HunS is Hunshandake Sands, and HorS is the abbreviation of Horqin Sands. TakD_Built-ups.shp, inhere TakD is the abbreviation of Taklamakan Desert, Built-up is nondune ground objects. The nondune ground objects (mainly built-ups, farmlands, lakes, sand barriers, shelterbelts, roads, and rock hills) were identified.

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  • File size: 10649.6 MB
  • Browse count:7727次
  • Time range:2017-01-17 至 2018-01-16
  • Access: offline

Resource Provider: China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application   
