Dataset of town boundary in Sanjiangyuan region National Park (2015)

Dataset of town boundary in Sanjiangyuan region National Park (2015)

This dataset is the spatial distribution map of the marshes in the source area of the Yellow River near the Zaling Lake-Eling Lake, covering an area of about 21,000 square kilometers. The data set is classified by the Landsat 8 image through an expert decision tree and corrected by manual visual interpretation. The spatial resolution of the image is 30m, using the WGS 1984 UTM projected coordinate system, and the data format is grid format. The image is divided into five types of land, the land type 1 is “water body”, the land type 2 is “high-cover vegetation”, the land type 3 is “naked land”, and the land type 4 is “low-cover vegetation”, and the land type 5 is For "marsh", low-coverage vegetation and high-coverage vegetation are distinguished by vegetation coverage. The threshold is 0.1 to 0.4 for low-cover vegetation and 0.4 to 1 for high-cover vegetation.

Copyright & License

The dataset files are uniformly packaged in the “result” folder, and the “resultgrid” grid format file can be opened using ArcGis software to view the classification results of the Yellow River source marsh. You can use the ArcGis Import Symbology feature to import a preset layer by opening the "resultgrid.lyr" layer file.

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Geographic coverage
  • File size: 0.96 MB
  • Browse count:7393次
  • Time range:2015-01-08 至 2016-01-07
  • Access: offline

Resource Provider: Geomatics Center of Qinghai Province  
