Drone photoes of Qumalai wetland plot (2018)

Drone photoes of Qumalai wetland plot (2018)

On August 19, 2018, the wetland sample in Qumali County, located in the source area of the Yangtze River, was aerially photographed by DJI Elf 4 UAV. A total of 31 routes were set up, flying at a height of 100 m, and the overlap of adjacent photographs was not less than 70%. A total of 1551 aerial photographs were obtained and stored in two folders named "Drone Photoes Part1" and "Drone Photoes Part2".

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  • File size: 10956.8 MB
  • Browse count:7565次
  • Time range:2018-08-31 至 2018-08-31
  • Access: offline

Principal Investigator: WEI Yanqiang   WANG Xufeng  

Resource Provider: WANG Xufeng  
