Drone orthophoto image and DSM of Qinghai Hoh Xil plot (2018)

Drone orthophoto image and DSM of Qinghai Hoh Xil plot (2018)

On August 22, 2018, a DJI camera was used in the fixed sample of Lancang River headwaters. The overlap degree of adjacent photos was not less than 70% according to the set flight route. The Orthophoto Image and DSM were generated using the photographs taken. The Orthophoto Image included three bands of red, green and blue, with a ground resolution of 2.5 cm, a shooting area of 1000m x 1000m and a DSM resolution of 4.5 cm. Due to the communication failure, the middle four airstrips were not photographed, so there was a band in the middle of the image missing.

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  • File size: 25395.2 MB
  • Browse count:6698次
  • Time range:2018-08-28 至 2018-08-28
  • Access: offline

Principal Investigator: WANG Xufeng   WEI Yanqiang  

Resource Provider: WANG Xufeng   WANG Xufeng  
