

  • Based on the average NDVI (spatial resolution 250m) of MODIS during the growing season from 2000 to 2018, the trend of NDVI was calculated by using Mann-Kendall trend detection method. Three parks of Three River Source National Park are calculated (CJYQ: Yangtze River Park; HHYYQ: Yellow River Park; LCJYQ: Lancang River Park). CJYQ_NDVI_trend_2000_2018_ok.tif: Changjiang Source Park NDVI trend. CJYQ_NDVI_trend_2000_2018_ok_significant.tif: Changjiang Source Park NDVI change trend, excluding the area that is not significant (p > 0.05). CJYYQ_gs_avg_NDVI_2000.tif: The average NDVI of the Yangtze River Source Park in 2000 growing season. Unit NDVI changes every year.

  • The method of aboveground biomass of grassland is zonal classification model. The data years were 2000, 2010 and 2015, and the fresh vegetation weight was based on the first ten days of August. Above-ground biomass is defined as the total amount of organic matter of vegetation living above the ground in a unit area. Unit: g/m². This data set is calculated from a statistical model based on the MODIS vegetation index by the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The spatial resolution is 250 m x 250 m. The data set is an important data source for vegetation monitoring in Three River Source National Park. Projection information: Albers isoconic projection Central meridian: 105 degrees First secant: 25 degrees First secant: 47 degrees West deviation of coordinates: 4000000 meters

  • Monthly meteorological data of Sanjiangyuan includes 32 national standard meteorological stations. There are 26 variables: average local pressure, extreme maximum local pressure, date of extreme maximum local pressure, extreme minimum local pressure, date of extreme minimum local pressure, average temperature, extreme maximum temperature, date of extreme maximum temperature, extreme minimum temperature and date of extreme minimum temperature, average temperature anomaly, average maximum temperature, average minimum temperature, sunshine hours, percentage of sunshine, average relative humidity, minimum relative humidity, date of occurrence of minimum relative humidity, precipitation, days of daily precipitation >=0.1mm, maximum daily precipitation, date of maximum daily precipitation, percentage of precipitation anomaly, average wind speed, maximum wind speed, date of maximum wind speed, maximum wind speed, wind direction of maximum wind speed, wind direction of maximum wind speed and occurrence date of maximum wind speed. The data format is txt, named by the site ID, and each file has 26 columns. The names and units of each column are explained in the SURF_CLI_CHN_MUL_MON_readme.txt file. Projection information: Albers isoconic projection Central meridian: 105 degrees First secant: 25 degrees First secant: 47 degrees West deviation of coordinates: 4000000 meters
