Automatic weather station dataset from Guoluo station (2017)

Automatic weather station dataset from Guoluo station (2017)

The data set contains meteorological observations from Guoluo Station from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2017, and includes temperature (Ta_1_AVG), relative humidity (RH_1_AVG), vapour pressure (Pvapor_1_AVG), average wind speed (WS_AVG), atmospheric pressure (P_1), average downward longwave radiation (DLR_5_AVG), average upward longwave radiation (ULR_5_AVG), average net radiation (Rn_5_AVG), average soil temperature (Ts_TCAV_AVG), soil water content (Smoist_AVG), total precipitation (Rain_7_TOT), downward longwave radiation (CG3_down_Avg), upward longwave radiation (CGR3_up_Avg), average photosynthetically active radiation (Par_Avg), etc. The temporal resolution is 1 hour. Missing observations have been assigned a value of -99999.


Shixiao Xu, Linyong Hu. Data Set of Automatic Weather station of Guoluo Station in 2017. Space-Air-Field Integrated Eco-Monitoring and Data Infrastructure of the Three-River-Source National Park.2018

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Geographic coverage
  • Format: EXCEL
  • File size: 3.5 MB
  • Browse count:7303次
  • Time range:2017-01-15 至 2018-01-14
  • Access: online

Resource Provider: 徐世晓   HU Linyong  

Distributor: Establishing Developing and Applying of the Space-Air-Field Integrated Eco-Monitoring and Data Infrastructure of the Three-River-Source National Park  
