Water resources data of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau (1990-2010)
This data set is the water resources data of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau from 1990 to 2010, which is the sum of renewable surface and groundwater resources. The data is in vector format and the spatial resolution is in the scale of prefecture level administrative units. The data is obtained by checking the results of VIC (variable injection capacity) hydrological model. The simulated water resources are the sum of the surface runoff and underground runoff in the output results of hydrological simulation. The simulation results are verified by comparing with the runoff data of the measured stations. According to the statistics of water resources at the provincial level in China water resources bulletin, a correction coefficient α is introduced at the provincial level, so that the product of water resources and α in the hydrological model simulation province is equal to the statistics of water resources. Then the amount of water resources in the administrative unit is the product of the total amount of water resources and α.
File name: the data is stored in ShapeFile vector data. The name of the file is "water resources of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau yyyy", where yyyy represents the year. For example, the water resources of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau 2000. TIF represents the ShapeFile file to describe the water resources data of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau in 2000.
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