Natural places names dataset at 1:1000 000 in Sanjiangyuan region (2017)

Natural places names dataset at 1:1000 000 in Sanjiangyuan region (2017)

This data comes from the National Geographic Information Resources Catalogue Service System, which was provided free to the public by the National Basic Geographic Information Center in November 2017. We have spliced and cut the source of the three rivers as a whole, so as to facilitate the use of the study of the source area of the three rivers. The data trend is 2017. This data set is composed of 1:1 million natural place names (AANP) in Sanjiangyuan area, including traffic element names, memorial sites and historic sites, mountain names, river system names, marine geographical names, natural geographical names, etc. Natural Place Name Data (AANP) Attribute Item Names and Definitions: Attribute Item Description Fill in Example CLASS Toponymic Classification Code NAME in Chinese words PINYIN in Chinese Pinyin

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Geographic coverage
  • File size: 1.0 MB
  • Browse count:6235次
  • Time range:2017-01-11 至 2018-01-10
  • Access: online

Resource Provider: National Catalogue Service for Geographic Information  
