MODIS vegetation index dataset in Sanjiangyuan (2000-2018)

MODIS vegetation index dataset in Sanjiangyuan (2000-2018)

The data set is MODIS vegetation index data (MOD13Q1). The source areas of the three rivers are extracted to carry out the research and analysis of the source areas of the three rivers separately. MOD13Q1 is a 16-day composite vegetation index, including normalized vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI). The spatial scope of Sanjiang Source covers two MODIS files (h25v05 and h26v05). Data storage format is hdf. Each file contains 12 bands: Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Data Quality (VI Quality), Red Reflectance, Near Infrared Reflectance (NIR Reflectance), Blue Reflectance, Mid Infrared Reflectance, Observation. Viewzenith angle, sun zenith angle, relative azimuth angle, composite day of the year and pixel reliability. The data format of this data set is hdf, spatial resolution is 250m, temporal resolution is 16 days, time range: February 2000 to October 2018.

References literature

[1] Didan, K., Munoz, A. B., Solano, R., & Huete, A. (2015). MODIS vegetation index user's guide (MOD13 series) version 3.00, June 2015 (Collection 6). (查看)

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Geographic coverage
  • File size: 147456.0 MB
  • Browse count:10429次
  • Time range:2000-02-20 至 2018-11-19
  • Access: online

Resource Provider: Kamel Didan*, Armando Barreto Munoz, Ramon Solano, Alfredo Huete  
