River networks dataset at 1:250 000 in Three Rivers Source Region (2015)

River networks dataset at 1:250 000 in Three Rivers Source Region (2015)

This data comes from the National Catalogue Service for Geographic Information, which was provided to the public free of charge by the National Basic Geographic Information Center in November 2017. We spliced ​​and trimmed Three Rivers Source Region as a whole to facilitate its use in the study of Three Rivers Source Region. The current status of the data is 2015. This dataset is the Three Rivers Source Region 1: 250,000 water system data, including three layers of water system surface (HYDA), water system line (HYDL) and water system point (HYDP). The water system surface (HYDA) includes lakes, reservoirs, double-line rivers, and ditches; the water system line (HYDL) includes single-line rivers, ditches, and river structure lines; and the water system points (HYDP) include springs and wells.         HYDA attribute item name and definition: Attribute item Description Sample GB National standard classification code 210101 HYDC Water system name code KJ2103 NAME Name Heihe WQL Water quality Fresh PERIOD Seasonal months 7-9 TYPE Type Pass          HYDL attribute item name and definition: Attribute item Description Sample GB National standard classification code 210101 HYDC Water system name code KJ2103 NAME Name Heihe PERIOD Seasonal months 7-9          HYDP attribute item name and definition: Attribute item Description Sample GB National standard classification code 210101 NAME Name Unfreezing spring TYPE Type Fresh ANGLE Angle 75           Water system GB code and its meaning:  Attribute item Code Description GB 210101 Ground river 210200 Seasonal river 210300 Dry up river 230101 Lake 230102 Pond 230200 Seasonal lake 230300 Dry lake 240101 Built reservoir 240102 Reservoir in building

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Geographic coverage
  • File size: 77.1 MB
  • Browse count:10927次
  • Time range:2015-01-21 至 2016-01-20
  • Access: online

Resource Provider: National Catalogue Service for Geographic Information  
